Guild Master: Pull
Officers: Nooken, Orcasmm, Steezzy, Notdabba, Yawni, Obese, Benji
- Is a well organized, experienced guild focused on quickly & efficiently clearing all content while building a skilled, mature core of players to go hard in TBC.
Guild Requirements:
Level 60;
High attendance for mandatory raid days;
On time & prepared for raids (enchants, consumables, world buffs, etc.);
An interest in clearing content quickly, in a consistent manner
Willingness to adapt, improve & work as a cohesive unit
Raid times:
Tues/Thurs/Sun: 8 PM Server Time
Current content being cleared on Tues with Thurs & Sun used as needed for Ony, or other raids in the future.
Recruitment Needs:
Shaman ( Healer)
If you can meet these requirements and think you would be a good fit for the guild, feel free to message me for more information. We are always looking for skilled players of almost any class/spec who are looking to raid consistently and clear content efficiently. Message an officer posted above.
In Game : GM: Pull Officers: Obese, Notdabba, Orcasmm, Yawni, Steezzy, Nooken
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